
Filling in, I interspersed indigenous tunes with upbeat, uplifting radio-listenable songs to help listeners pray to start the day on + note, with a wich that everybody Shine (1st song) with blessings, peacefulness, joyfulness in their walks, work, hearts. This included Yoruba drumming examples, themes that everything's gonna be ok, if ya pray to start the day (religions alluded to: Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Yoruba concept not to worry as it's all everything alright, Appalachian Melungeon or Mekasepha idea of talking to Reynadine, who is in viney forests existing sort of like a ghost, let's say. Show ends with Hebraic idea that when we pray, "We Rise" with closing song of same name. DJ Trevor   

May 23, 2023 – WXNA (

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